Saturday, November 8, 2008


Work to me is much like my marriage. (I have an uneasy feeling about which one I spend more time working on.) I have often thought that if I wanted to just be happy in marriage, I would have wed one of my close male friends and spent my days arguing about sports and swilling beers. Instead, I married a beautiful women who challenges me at every turn and never fails to hold my interest and ultimately... makes me happy. I want much the same from my job. I want to be challenged and never grow stagnant in my thinking. To discover new things - even about a task I have completed numerous times before. I want to be able to branch out into areas that stretch my abilities knowing that I have the support of my talents in the areas I have passed through before. And ultimately I know that these daily struggles and yearning for something more will leave me exhausted... and happy.
[John Foster.]

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

take that!

if i had a magic wand i`d change skiing,i`d make it exactly the way it was before snowboarding came around.

Friday, September 19, 2008

pt. tinkerbell.

prietenia nu mai e un lucru asa de simplu.
nu se poate baza doar pe gusturi comune la bere,femei si echipe de fotbal.
[radu munteanu.]

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

soarele rasare.

acelasi alti ochi:P


...and counting.

Monday, August 25, 2008


bv.balea lac.podragu[prin 3 pasi de moarte.sau 2 ca inca nu stiu cati erau].moldoveanu.sambata[salvamort].bv

Sunday, August 3, 2008

the round earth.

brasov.zarnesti.padina hotarelor.curmatura.zarnesti.brasov.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

sighisoara review.

tot in 2-3 poze aiurea de pe acelasi film.